- ALTAR FLOWERS – Today’s altar flowers are given by Tina and Family in
memory of Benny Wilkerson.
- If you took a tag from the Angel Tree please tell Deb Wade at 419-350-8423,
the gifts are due back on December 1st.
- Sign up for the Whiteford family food Baskets will be November 24th. Stop at
the new Connection Center to sign up.
- WISC meeting December 8th after first service to decide the allocation of
bazaar funds to charities, please bring your suggestions.
- The Worship & Music Board is looking for additional people to work in the
tech booth for Sunday morning worship services. People of all ages are
welcome! Training will be provided. Please contact Janet Hutchinson or the
church office, if interested. We need somebody for Christmas Eve service.
- No card making November 27th
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