Children and Youth

At St. Michael Lutheran Church, we know that children are the church of both today and tomorrow. We invite children and teens to worship and serve alongside the adults in our congregation. We also provide programming designed specifically for kids to meet them where they are at in their development and help them grow their faith and love for Jesus.

Family Support during Worship

At the back of the santactuary, we offer a room for parents to attend to the needs of their babies and toddlers while still being able to see and hear the service. This room provides comfortable rocking chairs, quiet toys, books, and space for the littlest worshipers to get their wiggles out. 

During our contemporary worship service at 10:45 a.m., childcare is offered for toddlers, preschool and early elementary kids. Children play with supervision from caring teens and adults so parents and caregivers can fully engage in the service. When signing children into the nursery, parents are asked to provide a cell phone number so nursery staff can text if children need assistance during the service. The nursery is located through the south sanctuary doors; ask an usher if assistance is needed in locating the nursery. 

Activity bags with coloring books and small building toys are available for children to use during worship services. Tote bags are located through the south sanctuary doors on the brick wall near the nursery. 

Sunday School

From September to May, Sunday School classes are held weekly between our two worship services. These classes, led by caring adult volunteers, help children grow in knowledge of the Bible and God’s love. The following classes are offered:

  • Toddler (2- and 3-year-olds): 9:50-10:20 a.m. in Nursery
  • Preschool, Kindergarten and First Grade: 9:40-10:30 a.m. in Classroom 5 near small fellowship hall
  • Second, Third and Fourth Grade: 9:40-10:30 a.m. in Classroom 6 near small fellowship hall
  • Fifth and Sixth Grade: 9:40-10:30 a.m. in Classroom 7 small fellowship hall

Vacation Bible School

Each summer, children look forward to a high-energy, exciting week at Vacation Bible School (VBS). Through songs, games, Bible lessons, crafts, snacks and more, kids learn about God’s love for them. All children–members of our congregation, family, friends, and community members–are welcome and encouraged to attend. VBS at St. Michael is held in the evening for one week in July each year. In 2025, VBS will be July 21-25. Mark your calendars and look for registration information in the spring.

Easter Egg Hunt

The Saturday before Easter, St. Michael hosts an Easter egg hunt for the community. We hide more than a thousand of candy-filled eggs around the church, and children are divided into several age groups for the egg hunt so everyone has the opportunity to find plenty of candy. The event also includes crafts, games, snacks and sharing the Easter story from a children’s book. In 2025, the Easter egg hunt will be held 1-3 p.m. on April 19. 

Christmas Program

One Sunday during Advent, St. Michael has a Service of Lessons and Carols, which includes nine scripture readings alternating with Christmas songs. During this service, children provide several songs of special music. Rehearsals occur during Sunday School the weeks leading up to the service.

Youth Group

Middle and high school students meet every other Sunday at  7 p.m. for fun, games and Bible study. We typically meet in the Youth Room and also have special events throughout the year.. Contact Abby Dunn or the church office for additional information.

First Communion

Before kids begin taking communion with our congregation, we provide instruction on what it means to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. This class, typically for children in late elementary school, is offered annually and culminates in participating in the sacrament of communion for the first time in one of our worship services.


We celebrate and support youth in this important season as they grow in their understanding of faith and identity in Christ. This two-year program, typically for middle school students, uses Luther’s Small Catechism to delve deeper into the foundations of the Christian faith and explore how we live in response to God’s promises.