Food Pantry
Since 2008, the St. Michael food pantry has served our neighbors by providing food and other household items to those in need.
Receive Assistance
Food pantry distribution is the second Saturday of the month beginning at 9:30 a.m. Households receive non-perishable pantry staples, as well as bread, eggs, meat, produce, toiletries and other items when available. Distribution occurs in the church’s east parking lot with pre-packed bags of groceries brought to recipients’ cars. Distribution is handled on a first-come, first-served basis. No advanced registration/application is needed.
In partnership with the Monroe County Opportunity Program, our food pantry serves Monroe County residents who meet eligibility guidelines. Proof of household income, proof of residency, and proof of number of household members is needed annually.
We welcome donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries for our food pantry. Items of greatest need are toilet paper, ITEM, ITEM, and ITEM. Items can be placed in the donation bin in the Gathering Room.
Monetary donations are also accepted. Please mark financial donations as “Food Pantry.” Financial contributions can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday morning or sent to the church office.
Volunteers are needed each month to pick up food, unload food, organize the pantry, set up and prepare bags of food, and assist individuals during distribution. Contact Mary Evilsizer or the church office to volunteer.